Hawaii, South Dakota and Washington. There are 49 cities named Greenville in the US, and New York has 3.
Greenville Real Estate is just a term used by the realtors in Greenville county, South Carolina. There is not a listing for a realtor company of this name. But you will find all the realtors in South Carolina use the term to narrow down where the property is.
Greenville is a city that is located in South Carolina. Greenville is also a city name located in 29 other states. California, North Carolina, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are just a few other states that have a city named Greenville.
In Cherry County, Nebraska
Oklahoma City is the capital of Oklahoma. It is also in Oklahoma County.
There are ten states with a Greenville in them.
Fulton is a city in New York State. Franklin County is the name of a county in New York State.
The most popular city name in the United States is Greenville. Thirty-seven out of the fifty states have a Greenville.
There is both a City and County of Honolulu, as well as a County and State of Hawaii.
No, city in the state of California and the name of a county as well.
What is the name of the city in which the county courthouse is located?A. county capitalB. county centerC. county seatD. county court
Uganda is a country in Africa. Ulster County is a county in New York State. Utah is a U.S. state. Ulan Bator is the capital city in Mongolia.
Denver is the largest city and state capital of Colorado. It is a consolidated city and county located on the South Platte River Valley.