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Q: What sort of establishment is sing sing in new york state?
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What prison is found in Ossining New York?

Sing Sing State Prison is located in Ossining, New York.

When was rosenberg's execution?

on June 19,1953, at sing sing prison in New York state.

In which city is the Sing Sing correctional facility located in the United States?

The Sing Sing correctional facility is located in Ossining, in the state of New York. The name 'Sing Sing' comes from the Native American language. The prison opened in 1826.

How many prisons are there in the state of New York?

There are over 70 State Prisons in New York. This does not count Federal Prisons of County Jails. Some like Rikers Island, Auburn and Sing Sing are infamous.Over 70 not counting Federal institutions and county jails.

What is sing sing?

It is to make talking sound beautiful. Singing is the way of projecting sounds that have different tones that regular speaking does.

Was Chi Ali arrested for murder?

Yes. In the second degree. He was convicted of murdering his former girlfriend brother. He is now housed in New York State Prison "Sing Sing".

When were the Rosenbergs executed?

They were Executed on June 2nd 1953 at, Sing Sing State Correctional Facility in the town of Ossining , New York. They were Executed by Old Sparky a Electric Chair.

Criminal executions in New York?

Between 1600 and 1963 New York carried out 1,130 executions under the law. The state has not executed a criminal since 1963.

If New York is new is there an Old York?

Yes there is a old York, well it is just called York and its in England in the county of Yorkshire (a county is Britain's version of a state, sort of but with less autonomy).

IF using electronic charting for medical records do you still have to keep paper charts as some sort of back up in New York state?

No, paper backup of electronic records is not required in New York State.

Who were some of the key people in the establishment of the colony of New York?

the duke of york was the person who founded new York

Did Elvis Presley sing New York New York?
