Roslyn High School was created in 1904.
It depends on the person. It is just like any other middle school. Mascot: Bulldog State: New york city: roslyn students right now (2012-2013):779 students
Anna Sophia Rob lives in Aurora, Colorado. (Suburb of Denver, Colorado). She lives with her parents and her dog, Bella. She goes to Peace With Christ Church, and just had her confirmation. [She is my friend]
Kent Denver School was created in 1922.
Denver School of the Arts was created in 1991.
Denver Montclair International School was created in 1977.
South High School - Denver - was created in 1893.
Denver Christian High School was created in 1951.
Manual High School - Denver - was created in 2007.
The Denver Broncos are an NFL team and don't belong to any school.
Thomas Jefferson High School - Denver - was created in 1960.
It is a school that belongs to Club Penguin.