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Q: What roman goddess name sounds like a US state capital?
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Who was the Roman goddess of the hearth?

The Roman goddess of the hearth is Vesta. She is the virgin goddess of family and home in the Roman religion. Hestia is the nearest Greek equivalent as the goddess of hearth, home, domesticity, family, the state, and architecture.

What was hera the roman goddess favorites?

Hera was a Greek Goddess, her Roman counterpart was Juno. Juno was the protector and special counselor of the state. Her aspect was war like.

Which city-state was named after the goddess Athena?

Athens capital of Greece

What state capital sounds like it refers to a bashful girl?

Cheyenne - "shy" "anne" (Capital of Wyoming)

What is the capital of new jersey the state with thr motto liberty and prosperity?

In August of 1776, the NJ Legislature sitting in Princeton appointed a joint committee of both houses to create a "great seal" for the state. By October of 1776, that committee had agreed that the seal should include a depiction of the Goddess of Liberty standing next to the Roman Goddess Ceres, who held the cornucopia symbolizing a bountiful harvest. I believe that NJ's state motto was inspired by that depiction.

Who was Juno the Roman?

Protector and special counselor of the Roman state and queen of the gods, she was the Roman form of the Greek goddess, Hera.

What did Juno the Roman goddess do?

Juno was an ancient Roman goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and the mother of Juventas, Mars, and Vulcan. Her Greek equivalent is Hera.She was the goddess of godsJuno was the goddess of marriage, hearth, family and childbirth in Roman mythology. She is considered to be equivalent to the goddess Hera of Greek mythology. SHE WAS KNOWN FOR HER BEAUTY, BUT ALSO, SHE WAS VERY MEAN

What US state capital's name sounds like small boulder?

Little Rock, Arkansas

California state seal?

The California state seal features Minerva, the Roman goddess on it. There is also a river, a bear, and a worker featured on the state seal.

Where is the California state seal?

On the California state seal is Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom. The seal was designed by Major R. S. Garnett and adopted at the Constitutional Convention of 1849.

How did the Greek goddess Demeter die?

Demeter being a goddess she did not die. Simply the people forgot her existence when Christianity was declared the official religion of the state by the first Christian Emperor Constantine the Great of the East Roman Empire.

Who are the female greek and roman gods?

The most important Roman goddesses were Juno, the queen of gods, patron goddess of Rome and the women of Rome; Vesta, the goddess of the hearth and the household; Ceres, the goddess of agriculture and grain crops; Diana, the goddess the hunt, the moon and childbirth; Venus, goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility and prosperity ; and Minerva, the goddess of wisdom music, poetry, commerce, weaving, crafts, and medicine and magic These goddesses were part of the Di Consentes; the twelve major Roman deities which came in six male-female pairings.Some other Roman goddesses were: Dea Dia, the goddess of growth; Feronia, the goddess of wildlife, fertility, health and abundance; Fortuna, the goddess of fortune; Fides, the goddess of trust; Libera, the wife of Liber, they were the gods of viticulture, patrons of the plebeians, they were part of the Aventine triad which was worshipped by the plebeians; Flora, goddess of flowers and spring; Lucina, another the goddess of childbirth; Luna, the goddess of the moon; Mater Matuta, the goddess of the dawn; Magna Mater, the great Mother; Ops, and earth goddess and a goddess of fertility; Salus, the goddess of security and well-being; Terra (or Tellus or Terra Mater), a goddess of the earth;Juno and Minerva, together with Jupiter and was part of the Capitoline Triad, three supreme deities who were worshiped at the Temple of Jupiter Optimum Maximus, Rome's largest temple which stood on the Capitoline Hill. The gods of this triad was the tutelary gods of the Roman stateCeres and Libera, together with Liber were part of the Aventine Triad (or the plebeian Triad or the agricultural Triad). Their temple was on the Aventine Hill, which was associated with the plebeians (the commoners). They were the patrons of the plebeians and were a focus for plebeian identity in opposition to the patrician aristocracy. It is thought that this triad was created in opposition to the Capitoline Triad because its gods were the tutelary gods of the Roman state at a time when the state was monopolised by the patrician aristocracy.