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Q: What rock is used in homes built in North Wales?
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Why is north wales an upland area?

North Wales is mainly upland because of the hard rock wich is built up on top of ach other (this is called Igneous rock), this is because of the hard rock does not wear away as easy as the soft rock (which is normally Sedimantary).

Where do wild bees in Palestine make their homes?

They make their homes in trees, trunks of the trees, and in hives they have built. They can also live in rock cavities.

How can homes and structures can be protected from liquefaction?

To combat damage caused by liquefaction, new homes built on soft ground should be anchored to solid rock below the soil.

How can homes and other structers be protected from liquefaction?

Homes and other structures can be protected from liquefaction by being anchored to a rock below the soil. Liquefaction happens when structures are built on soft ground.

What type of rock was the Sydney opera house built from?

The base and outside is made mostly of reinforced concrete, with the interior made with pink granite from Wales.

What kind of homes did the settlers build in Pennsylvania?

Sod homes, they cut up strips of grass and earth and piled them up to make a structure.

What rock was London built on?

London is built on clay, not on a rock.

What were the homes that the yurok made?

the homes are made of wood and rock

What rock is London built on?

london was built upon clay and not rock

What kind of homes did people live in in Jesus's time?

in rock homes :)

Why do people build rock structures?

Ancient tribes and cultures such as the Myans built there homes from stone, due to the high durability and convenience. However, in modern context, many people create rock structure for the nostalgic feel and for the appearance.

What were the Mayan homes made of?

They were made out of rock.