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The Orinoco River

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Q: What river in Venezuela do they use for hydroelectric power?
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Does the nile river use hydroelectric power?

Yes, the Awsan Dam is located in Aswan which is situated along the river.

What is the use of dams on the Colorado River?

Flood control, hydroelectric power generation, municipal reservoirs and recreation.

How a hydroelectric plant works?

Hydroelectric power plants or H.E.P stations use a flowing river to turn a turbine which powers the genertator much like other power sources to create electricity. The water is then returned to the river. H.E.P stations can also be in a reservoir.

How can you use hydroelectric in a sentence?

The Hoover Dam generates hydroelectric power.

Does Africa use hydroelectric power?

no they do not

Who uses hydroelectricity?

we use the most hydroelectric power in kansas

What three states have the greatest potential to use hydroelectric power?

There are many states that have potential to use hydroelectric power. One of the states that have the greatest potential is Alaska.

What is water power that is use to produce electric power is known as?


How are wind power and hydroelectric power similar?

They both use turbines.

Installing A Micro-Hydroelectric Home Water Power Generator?

Homes that are near a moving source of water like a stream or river might be able to install a micro-hydroelectric power generator. This system involves diverting a small amount of water from the stream or river and funneling it past a small hydroelectric generator that can then charge a battery for later use or send the power straight into a home. These systems usually produce only enough electricity to power a single appliance or a few lights.

What do they use the Missouri river for?

Irrigation, hydroelectric power, sand dredging, barge traffic, casinos, municipal water supplies, recreation, wildlife habitat, fishing, etc.

How do people use hydroelectric energy?

people use hydroelectric energy to power almost anything from cars to ur hair dryier . But it is mostly used to power houses. basically people use it for electricity