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Q: What river forms the southern border to Highland Indiana?
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Does the Ohio Mississippi or missiouri river from the southern borders of Ohio and Indiana?

none of the rivers form the southern border of Indiana, but the Ohio river forms the southern border of Ohio.

What river forms the southern boundaries of Ohio and Indiana?

The Ohio River forms the southern boundaries of Ohio and Indiana. It begins at the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. It flows southwesterly between Ohio and Kentucky, Indiana and Kentucky, and continues to the Mississippi River.

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The Ohio River forms Ohio's southern border.

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The Wabash River forms the southern portion of Indiana's western border. The northern portion of Indiana's western border is simply a straight line marked on the map. The southern border of Indiana is also a river - the Ohio.

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Indiana does not border Mississippi.

The Ohio River forms the southern borders of?

The Ohio River forms the borders of West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. The border terminates at the confluence with the Mississippi and the border with Pennsylvania.

What important river runs along Indiana's southern border?

The Ohio River is south of Indiana and forms the boundary between Indiana and Kentucky.

What river forms southern border of the US?

Rio Grande forms the Southern border of the United states.

What river forms the border Kentucky and Indiana?

The Ohio River forms the boundary between Indiana and Kentucky.

What river forms the border Indiana and kentuky?

The Ohio River forms the boundary between Indiana and Kentucky.

Which river is the longest in the state of Indiana and forms part of the western border between Indiana and illinos?

The Wabash is the longest river in Indiana. It flows from Ohio across northern Indiana until it forms the border between Indiana and Illinois.

What natural barrier forms the western border of the southern colonies?

The Mississippi river forms the western border of the southern colonies.