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The Treaty of Tordesillas claimed that their line of demarcation (an imaginary line that divided their spheres of influence) would extend from north to south through the Atlantic Ocean and the easternmost part of the South American continent. They agreed that unexplored territories east of the line would be controlled by Portugal, and those west of the line by Spain.

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10y ago

The Treaty of Tordesillas established which parts of the New World would fall under the influence of each country, leaving most of the New World in Spanish hands and a vast number of Old World ports in Portuguese hands.

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14y ago

In 1494, Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, in which they agreed to divide the Western Hemisphere between them.

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The Treaty of Tordesillas was the first attempt to assign areas of influence in the New World. It was signed in the Spanish village of Trdesillas in 1494.

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The treaty was the first in a series of treaties which established which parts of the new world would belong to which country.

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Q: What rights were agreed upon by Spain and Portugal in the Treaty of Tordesillas?
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What rights were agreed by Spain and Portugal in the Treaty of Tordesillas?

The Treaty of Tordesillas claimed that their line of demarcation (an imaginary line that divided their spheres of influence) would extend from north to south through the Atlantic Ocean and the easternmost part of the South American continent. They agreed that unexplored territories east of the line would be controlled by Portugal, and those west of the line by Spain.

Portugal sought a sea route to Asia in the 14'00s because?

the Treaty of Tordesillas gave Portugal rights to all of Asia.

Who benefited from the Treaty of Tordesillas?

The Treaty of Tordesillas benefited Spain and Portugal the most. It divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two countries, with Spain gaining rights to most of the Americas and Portugal gaining rights to territories in Africa, Asia, and Brazil.

What two countries gained control of land in South America as a result of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Spain and Portugal were assigned colonial rights by the Treaty of Tordesillas, which gave Spain the Caribbean and North America, but allowed Portugal to colonize Brazil farther to the east.

Why did the spanish and the portuguese sign the treaty tordesillas?

because they just did

What was decided by the Treaty of Tordesillas?

The treaty divided up uncharted land between Spain and Portugal.

The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 gave Spain control of almost all of?

The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 divided newly discovered lands outside Europe between Spain and Portugal. It gave Spain control of most of the Americas, while Portugal received rights to territories in Africa, Asia, and Brazil.

What did Portugal and Spain agree to?

They have agreed on many documents throughout their history. Both are signatories the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Both ratified the Treaty of Maastricht and both were Allies of the British in the Napoleonic Wars (and agreed to Articles of Alliance). The most famous document that these two parties negotiated and agreed on was the Treaty of Tordesillas which split the world into areas that Spain could colonize and those that Portugal could colonize, without fear from the other party infringing on "their territories".

Who got the best deal from the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Portugal received the better deal from the Treaty of Tordesillas, as they were granted rights to the lands in the eastern portion of the world, including Brazil. Spain, on the other hand, gained control over the lands in the western portion of the world.

What document did Spain and Portugal agree to?

They have agreed on many documents throughout their history. Both are signatories the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Both ratified the Treaty of Maastricht and both were Allies of the British in the Napoleonic Wars (and agreed to Articles of Alliance). The most famous document that these two parties negotiated and agreed on was the Treaty of Tordesillas which split the world into areas that Spain could colonize and those that Portugal could colonize, without fear from the other party infringing on "their territories".

How did Spain and Portugal divide lands between themselves in the Americas?

Spain and Portugal subjected their debate over American land claims to Papal intervention and mediation. Pope Alexander VI wrote the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) which split the world into Spanish and Portuguese dominions. Portugal had all rights to territory east of the mark and Spain had all rights to land west of the mark.

What purpose did treaty of tordesillas serve?

The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed in 1494 by Spain and Portugal to divide newly discovered territories outside Europe. It aimed to prevent conflicts over newly discovered lands by setting a boundary line and giving each country exclusive rights to explore and colonize different regions.