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The Muslims who believe in the Oneness of Almighty God.

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Q: What religion requires you to pray facing the holy city of mecca five times a day?
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What city where do Muslims pray five times a day?

Muslims anywhere everywhere are required; by Islam religion; to pray five times a day. They pray facing Mecca

Is there a secred place or holy city for Islamic people?

Mecca is their holy city and they pray three times a day facing Mecca

How many times a day do Muslims pray and facing what directions?

5 times a day and facing Kaaba in Mecca (or Makkah) in the country of Saudi Arabia.

Who taught that you should pray five times a day facing mecca?

prophet Muhammad

Do Muslims pray to Mecca?

Yes. Muslims pray five times every day. Always facing mecca the always need to know what direction it is facing. they carry prayer rugs around with them so they can stop and pray where ever they are.

Why face a wall when you pray?

It depends on the religion and it depends on the wall. Often times, people pray in front of a wall due to the religious significance of the wall or any buildings that previously used or required that wall. ___________________________________________________________ It is not true. Muslims face the direction of Kaba (or The Grand Mosque in Makkah or Mecca) in Makkah (or Mecca) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If the wall is facing Kaba then they face the wall bit it is not necessary to have a wall facing the Kaba to pray facing this wall.

What is the place of worship for isalmics?

Muslims can pray anywhere as long as they are facing the Mecca. The Five Pillars state in praying toward Mecca five times per day. They can gather at mosques and pray together.

What position do Muslims pray in?

The traditional posture for the Muslim prayers that are made five times a day facing Mecca is kneeling, with the head bowed all the way to the prayer mat. However, religion and prayer take many forms.

What is the special ritual of Islam?

Decapitating infidels. Many also pray five times a day facing Mecca and observe a month of fasting know as Ramadan.

5 times each day during prayer Muslims face Islam's holiest city Name this city and the country in which it is located?

Muslims are facing Ka'ba in the holy city of Mecca (Mekah). Mecca is located in Saudi Arabia at the middle east.

Where do Islam prey?

Muslims must be ina positions to pray, preferably in a mosque on a prayer mat, to pray five times a day facing Mecca. First they are not called Islams, they are called Muslims. In addition to the above answer; Muslims can pray anywhere. They are obligated to pray 5 times a day, facing the Qibla: Allah's (God's) House, in Mecca. Prayer times are usually based on the Islamic Calendar which is based on the moon. Prayer times for each prayer are listed in this calendar

Muslims believe that one should pray five times a day facing?

the Kaaba in Mecca, which is considered the holiest site in Islam. This practice is known as Salah or Salat and is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Facing the Kaaba helps to create a unified direction of worship for Muslims around the world and symbolizes their unity as a global community of believers.