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- Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa.

- Punjab.

- Sindh.

- Balochistan.

- Gligit-Baltistan.

- And lots more...

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13y ago
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13y ago

Mostly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but it also spread to Punjab, sindh, Gilgit baltistan and other areas south, it is said to have destroyed 25 percent of Pakistan and did a lot of damage.

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13y ago

More than a month- considering territories it affected

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13y ago

it had happend of the rain falls

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7y ago

The monsoon rain had caused it

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in July 2010 exactly 9:00

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suggestion of Allama Iqbal

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monsoon rainfalls

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Q: What region of Pakistan were the 2010 floods in?
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What date did the Pakistan floods start?

July 2010

When did the floods in Pakistan?

before floods the climate of Pakistan was hot so when cold airs came in Pakistan they stroked with hot airs present in it. this caused in heavy rains and the rivers over whelmed. so the floods came.

How many disasters have there been in 2010?

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What river caused the Pakistan floods?

The Pakistan Floods weren't caused by a river but because of the amount of rainfall in Pakistan, the meteorological department cautioned that there will be urban and flash flooding from July to September.

What are the effects of the Pakistan floods?

Damages to infrastruture

Is Pakistan a region?

No, Pakistan is a country in South Asia Region.

Which countries are affected by floods?

Pakistan,japan and Thailand

Where did the Pakistan floods occur?

north west! I think

How did the pakistan floods happen?

Chuck Norris happened.

Where did the floods in Pakistan happen?

eilidh mcdougals house

How many people have been left homeless in the floods in Pakistan?

on the 7/11/10 an estimated 4 million people have been left homeless in the floods in Pakistan

What are the similarities between UK flood and Pakistan flood?

the uk floods were caused by heavy rain and the river banks burst and the pakistan floods were caused by monsoon rain