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Q: What pushed Russia toward modernization?
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What was Peter the Great's chief goal while ruling Russia?

Peter the Great's chief goal while ruling Russia was modernization.

What was the westernization of Russia?

The westernization of Russia was its modernization and improvements in technology, politics, and military, originally demonstrated by the Europeans (who were west of Russia - hence the name 'westernization').

What forces resisted modernization and westernization in Russia?

The Russian government because they were more traditionalists rather than conformists.

What event pushed the world toward a Jewish homeland?

The Holocaust.

What was the military power of Russia in 1914?

Russia in 1914 suffered from a lack of modernization. Their standing army had fallen behind those of other European powers and lacked cohesion and training.

Eighteenth-century Russia and nineteenth-century Japan were similar in that both countries?

began the process of modernization after a long period of isolationism

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centrifugal force

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Which czar had the greatest impact on modernizing Russia?

Peter the first (or sometimes called the great) had to do with social modernization and modernizing Russian clothing, styles, and military.

In which direction did the Soviet Union troops advance toward Germany in 1944 and 1945?

Toward Germany. East of Russia.

What pushed the US toward supporting the triple entente and not triple alliance?

I think that what pushed the us toward the supporting of the triple entente and not the triple alliance was the how it help each other that should. They had been attacked by the other countries and that was considered a great power to the US.

How was Britains policy toward Canada begging in the late 1700s similar to its policy toward Ireland in the 1900s?

both were eventually granted freedom when pushed towards it.