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Many different types of products are manufactured in Japan: cars and motorcycles, electronics, TV, audio, computers, consumables, food (espacially fishes). Most known Japan brands are Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Canon, EIZO, Sanyo, Yamaha, Subaru.

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15y ago

Japan exports transport equptment, motor cehicles, semiconductors, chemical and electiral machinery. All these items may not go to the United States, but these are items they export.

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13y ago

Oil, food, wood products.

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Video Games, thats all i know

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Q: What products export from japan to the US?
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What products does japan export?

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What type of products do they export from japan?

vas happening?? xx

What is the chief export of japan?

Japan is the third largest market for US agricultural products. Japan imports wheat, corn and soybeans from the United States. US exports to Japan in 2009 reached about $51.2 billion dollars. While the US imported about $150 billion from Japan.

What can Canada export to japan people?

Oil, fuel, lumber products, machinery and services.

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What goods does Australia export to japan?

Coal, Iron, Primary products such as wheat fruit and vegetables, Beef, and other meat products.

What products export the US?

well to be honest i dont know

What does the US export to Japan?

wood,oil,foodstuff,building materials

What product does Japan trade with the US?

Most likely Motor Vehicles. They are the major imports to the U.S. and export from Japan.

What is the biggest export out of Japan?

the biggest export out of japan is and such..

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How rich is Japan?

The people are very industrious and after their defeat in WW2 there was an equalization of class distinctions that gave all Japanese people opportunities. They were also guided by the US occupation to improve their economic and social infrastructure. They quickly made improvements on this and were able to export to the country that defeated them in war. This was a good market and during the Korean war the US used Japan as manufacturing base for artillery, equipment and goods due to its proximity. Japanese companies made lots of money from this trade and invested to learn more about business from the US and the West. They started creating products that were affordable for the Japanese market but modeled after US products. As the quality improved they were able to export these products and are now still a strong export nation.