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George W. Bush is the only former governor of Texas to become president.

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James Polk 1845-1849.

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Q: What president did Texas become a state under?
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Could a president pardon a person convicted of murder under Texas State law?


Under what president was Texas made a US state in 1845?

James Knox Polk

Who was the only vice president to become president that did not succeed the president he served under?

Richard Nixon was the only vice president to become president that did not succeed the president he served under.

Which state in India is under President's rule?

Bihar and Karnataka are under President's rule.

What is the purpose of the State Bar of Texas?

The State Bar of Texas is an agency of the judiciary under the administrative control of the Texas Supreme Court. The Texas State Bar is responsible for assisting the Texas Supreme court, who are practicing law in Texas.

Does the president have to sign legislations for it to become a law?

yes, under two circumstances, that he likes the idea and that the head of every state agrees, then yes

Can a state lose its statehood and become a territory?

Only if the president sees fit under the the civil war, for example, the president classified the confederate as a rebellion. Also, in the act of the confederates, they seceded from the united states, which is also a way to leave the country.

What is legaslative?

legislative is the man in the state of Texas right under the governor or the Lt. Governor

What state was Lyndon B. Johnson governor of?

Lyndon B. Johnson was never a governor; he served as the 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969. Prior to his presidency, he was the Vice President under President John F. Kennedy. Johnson did serve as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and as a U.S. Senator from Texas.

Can 17 year old live alone in texas?

Yes, but not automatically. 17 year olds are still minors under Texas state law, but they can petition to become emancipated (as can 16 year olds who are financially independent).

Can someone who is not a natural born citizen in the US become president?

Not under current legislation. Currently you have to be born in the USA, to become president.

Did Texas become its own country?

The Republic of Texas declared its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836, and joined the United States of America as the state of Texas on December 29, 1845, so for a little over 9 years, Texas was its own country.