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Earthguakes and volcanoes.Earthquakes and Volcanoes.

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Q: What precautions would architects of tall buildings in japan have to take before beginning construction?
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What precautions do architects of buildings have to make?

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Do architects build or they just design?

Not all architects design buildings, some work in other aspects of the building construction such as project management. Some architects design furniture, but this is not usually covered in architectural training.

Who plans buildings?


What is a personwho prepares blue prints of her idea for a new office building?

Architects are people who design blueprints for buildings of any kind. These people are also often in charge of supervising the construction of these buildings.

Where did renaissance architects get their ideas from?

Renaissance architects got their ideas from the buildings around them and looking at buildings and measure them such as the one in Rome COLOSSEUM and the PANTHEON.

What careers might be found in the construction pathway related to Architecture and Construction?

Construction. Architects design the buildings, construction workers do the building.

What artists draw buildings in their artwork?


How do architects make money?

by designing buildings

What is the main job title of someone who is in charge of construction design?

The main job title for someone in charge of construction design is typically an Architect or a Civil Engineer. They are responsible for designing and planning the construction of buildings or infrastructure projects.

What are the occupations that are involved in the building of structures?

Occupations involved in building structures include architects who design the buildings, engineers who ensure structural integrity, construction workers who physically build the structures, and project managers who oversee the construction process.

What role do architects play in society?

Architects design almost every building you see. If there were no professional architects, our buildings would look lopsided and strange.

What American architects were influenced by the architects and buildings of Italian renaissance?

Charles McKim, William Mead, and Stanford White