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Q: What port city is closer to Milan Venice or Genoa?
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What were the main important city-states during the Renaissance?

Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa

What are the most important cities in Italy?

The most popular are the tourist destinations such as Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence, Turin, if you could call it a city also the island of Capri. It is dependent on what you are seeking and perhaps the questions requires more refinement.

City in northern Italy?

Although it is in Germany, Munich is considered Italy's northern most city. This is because of it's proximity to Italy.

City in north Italy?

There are several cities in northern Italy. Some of these include Venice, Florence, Milan, Turin, Trento, Aosta, as well as Genoa.

In what city did the Renaissance begin?

The city most often cited as the birthplace of the Renaissance is Florence.

What are two large cities in Italy besides rome?

Rome and Milan are the 2 largest cities is Italy.

What city is located in Italy's and Europe's core area?


What are port city?

Genoa, Venice, Otranto, Ancona, Civitavecchia

What is an important port city in southern Italy?

Genoa Venice or rome

Which were the major Italian cities in the renaissance era?

The major TRADE Cities were: Rome, Florence, Venice, Bologna, Naples and Milan.

Which city was not known for trade florence Venice genoa or rome?

Rome. Florence and Venice especially grew rich from trade, and as did Genoa to a lesser extent. Rome, though important through most of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, was not a trade city.

What was the wealthiest city in renaissance Italy?

Milan is the wealthiest city in Italy.