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Anything that washes into the water that drains to the Bay. This could be animal manure from pastures, fertilizer and weed killer from lawns, wastewater from industrial plants or cities, etc.

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Q: What pollutes the Chesapeake bay watershed?
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What watershed is in Virginia?

The main watershed in Virginia is the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are the largest estuary in the United States, and the watershed covers parts of six states including Virginia.

What is Virginia largest watershed?

Chesapeake Bay

What are the states in the Chesapeake Bay watershed?

Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, and West Virginia.

What did the colonists in Chesapeake Bay use for transportation?

boats/ships and the watershed

How is the Chesapeake Bay watershed protected by the state?

The Chesapeake Bay watershed stretches across more than 64,000 square miles. It encompasses parts of six states _¾_ Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia _¾_ and the entire District of Columbia. More than 17 million people live in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Name two watersheds in Virginia that do not flow into the Chesapeake Bay?

The Roanoke River watershed and the New River watershed.

How do humans pollute The Chesapeake bay watershed?

because they litter and throw trash

Where does all the water in Fairfax County ultimately flow?

the chesapeake bay watershed

How many people live in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed?

13 million people

What river in the chesapeake bay watershed contributes fresh water?

The Susquehanna River is the largest river that flows into the Chesapeake Bay, contributing a significant amount of fresh water to the bay's ecosystem.

How much land does the chesapeake bay watershed cover?

It covers 16% of Virginia's land area. From wiki

3 major sub watersheds of the chesapeake bay?

The Susquehana River watershed.The Potomac River watershed.The Patuxent River watershed.