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Benito Mussolini led the National Fascist Party.

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Q: What political party was Prime Minister Benito Myssolini associated with?
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How did Benito Mussolini get control over Italy's government?

One thing Benito Mussolini did was outlaw political parties.

When was Benito Mussolini prime minister?

Benito Mussoloni was a dictator and was in power before and during the world war 2.

Which Prime minister of Italy was partners with Hitler?

Benito Mussolini

What is the nation of Benito Mussollni?

Italy. Benito Mussolini was born in Italy (1883) and served as Prime Minister of Italy (1922 - 1943).

What was the name of Benito Mussolini's party?

Political party

Who was the Italian Prime Minister during World War 2?

Benito Mussolini .

What political party did Hitler and Benito Mussolini use?


What are the political believes of Benito Mussolini?

fascimhe believed in socialism.

Benito Mussolini introduced a political philosophy knows as?


What was the name given to members of Benito Mussolins political party?

The members of Benito Mussolini's political party were collectively known as Fasci. They were all party of the National Fascist Party of Italy.

What did Mossolini do?

Benito Mussolini was the prime minister and dictator of Italy from 1922 until 1943.

Who were some of the major political leaders involved in World War 2?

Presidents F.D.R. and later Harry Truman of the USA. Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Engand. Joseph Stalin, leader of U.S.S.R. Japan-- I guess their "political" leader was Emperor Hirohito, but didn't they also have a key military advisor or maybe Prime Minister named Tojo? Germany-- Adolf Hitler. Italy--- Benito Mussolini.