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Q: What political institution began to emerge in Europe after the Carolingian empire?
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What three developments helped Europe emerge as a world power?

I am afraid not to understand the question. Do you mean Europe as a political entity (European Union) or Europe as a continent ?

What are examples Political institution?

Political institutions emerge from the societies and cultures. They include, monarchies [U.K], oligarchies, democracies [United States?], totalitarian governments [Nazi Germany], one party states, theocracies [Saudi Arabia], communism [China] The dominant political institution is Western democracy, but it does not work well in traditional, African, Middle eastern and Asian countries, where other major institutions create conflict.

Where did royal absolutism first emerge?

In Eastern and Western Europe

What was the first political party to emerge in the us?

The Democratic-Republican Party, or modern-day Democratic Party.

Emerge throughout Europe as a result of greater peace and stability?


What were two of the first and largest cities to emerge in Europe?

u and ur mama

What political leader did South Korea emerge as one of the Asian Tigers?

Chung Hee Park

How did political religious and social institutions emerge in the English colonies?

In the English colonies, the Church became the most significant social institution. It tied together most of the colonists based on faith, and many, if not all, of the social interaction in the early colonies stemmed from this connection. The political institution arose from English common law, which was often combined with religious law as well. Initially religion in the colonies was defined by which church congregation a person belonged to. However, the Great Awakening changed the way religion was viewed in the colonies from denomination to a person's personal commitment to God.

What problems caused the abolition movement to emerge?

The main problems that caused the abolition movement to emerge were the inhumane treatment of enslaved people, the violation of their basic human rights, and the growing moral opposition to the institution of slavery. The movement sought to bring an end to these injustices and advocate for the freedom and equality of all individuals.

How did parliament emerge victorious in the struggle for political power in england?

Parliament could insist that the monarch meet its demands before voting for taxes.

How did Parliament emerge victorious in the power struggle for political power in medieval England?

Parliament could insist that the monarch meet its demands before voting for taxes.

What word class is emerge?

"Emerge" is a verb.