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poison goat tree

and acorns.........


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Q: What plants can cause sudden death in goats?
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Will goats eat toxic plants?

Yes they can but plants that are toxic to goats will make them very sick - scours, liver problems even death.

Are tomato plants and kiwi plants poisonous to goats?

No, neither kiwi plants or tomato plants are poisonous to goats. Some plants that poisonous to goats are oleander, wild cherry, and lilacs.

Can goats eat stinging nettle?

No, goats can not eat stinging nettle plants. These plants are poisonous to goats and can be very harmful or even lethal to them if ingested.

Are goats carnivores?

No, goats are herbivores - they derive the majority of their calories from plants.

What things makes fainting goats faint?

Loud noises and sudden movements

Is poop a food for goats?

Absolutely not!! Goats eat a variety of plants, but definitely not feces.

Are strawberry plants edible?

Yes they are. But only goats eat plants.

Are day lilies poisonous to goats?

The day lily is only poisonous to dogs, not goats. Plants that are poisonous to goats are milkweed and rhubarb.

Do goats eat animals or plants?

No. Goats are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. They will sometimes eat fruit, and love little treats of bread or molasses, but they will never eat meat.

Do baby goats know what plants are poisonous to them?

no not at first, some goats never find out so be careful if they are kept around such plants, especially yew!

Are dahlias poisonous to goats?

Yes, dahlias are toxic to goats if ingested. The petals and tubers of dahlias contain compounds that can be harmful to goats and may cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and even organ damage if consumed. It is best to keep dahlias out of reach of goats to prevent accidental ingestion.

Why do organisms that eat goats contain less energy from the goats than the goats obtain from the plants they eat?

use enegy for their own motabolism!