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The great plains have the fewest mountains. I guess that would be more north than south, east or west.

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The South.

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Q: What part of the US has the fewest mountains north or south or east or west?
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What part of the US has the the fewest mountains west east or south?


Which part of the US has the fewest mountains west or east or south?

The part of the US with the fewest mountains is generally the eastern region, particularly states along the East Coast. This area is known for its flatter terrain compared to the western and southern regions, which have more mountainous landscapes like the Rockies in the west and the Appalachians in the south.

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What part of the United states has the fewest mountains west east or south?

The part of the United States that generally has the fewest mountains is in the central and eastern regions, particularly the Midwest and parts of the Southeast. These areas are typically characterized by flatter landscapes and fewer mountain ranges compared to the western United States.

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What part of the US has the fewest mountain west south or east?

The eastern part of the United States has the fewest mountains compared to the West, South, and Midwest regions. The eastern states are generally flatter and have lower elevation levels, with the Appalachian Mountains being the primary mountain range in this region.

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The north west has the highest mountains

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