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Q: What part of russia is more heavily populated east or west?
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Which coast of Australia is most heavily populated?

The east coast is more heavily populated.

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There are a few reasons why China might more populated in the East than the West. The ocean is to the east for example.

Would you expect the Himalayan mountain system or the coastal lowlands to be more populated?

The coastal lowlands would also be more heavily populated

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It's more densely populated in heavily forested areas.

What are the dimentions for the Berlin Wall?

Its length was 117 miles.The width and height varied according to what area it was in. The parts that were near heavily populated areas were higher and thicker than parts in sparsely populated areas because people would be more likely to try to escape in a heavily populated area than a sparsely populated one.

What part of Russia has more population?

Western Russia, or European Russia, is the most populated part of Russia. It contains about 75% of the Russian population with about 110,000,000 people.

Would you expect the Himalayan mountain system or the coastal lowlands to be more heavily populated?

I would expect the coastal lowlands to be more heavily populated, as these areas tend to be more hospitable for human settlement due to milder climates and access to resources like water and fertile land. The rugged terrain and harsh weather conditions in the Himalayan mountain system make it less conducive to large-scale human habitation.

Where do most Russians live western or eastern?

Most Russians live in western Russia, particularly in cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Eastern Russia, which includes regions such as Siberia and the Russian Far East, is more sparsely populated.

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In which parts of world population is more?

Heavily populated areas include East Asia, Western Europe, the Eastern USA, and Southeast Asia.The continents in order of population are:AsiaAfricaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAustraliaAntarcticaThe most populous countries are:ChinaIndiaUSAIndonesiaBrazilPakistanNigeriaBangladeshRussiaJapan

Why do the kangaroos live in the south and east of Australia?

Different types of kangaroos can be found all over Australia, not just the south and east. They are commonly found anywhere there is grassland, bushland and open country, but you will not find kangaroos in heavily treed areas such as rainforest. This sort of countryside is more likely to be populated by the smaller wallaby.

In general which areas are more densely populated- northern areas or southern ares of Europe and Russia?

In general, the southern areas of Europe and Russia tend to be more densely populated. These regions typically have milder climates, more fertile land, and better access to water sources, which have historically attracted more human settlement and population growth.