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Q: What part of Africa is competed for by Europe early on?
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Is Monaco part of Africa?

No, it is part of Europe, across the Medditerranean Sea from Africa.

Is north Africa in Europe?

no, Europe is a part of the globe, and it is next to North Africe, which is a continent no, north Africa is in the second bigest continent or in Africa not in Europe north Africa is southern Europe.

Is Africa in north?

no, Europe is a part of the globe, and it is next to North Africe, which is a continent no, North Africa is in the second bigest continent or in Africa not in Europe north Africa is southern Europe.

Is Egypt part of euope?

Egypt is in Africa, it is not part of Europe.

What is Egypt part of Asia Europe Africa or South Africa?

Egypt is mostly in Africa and is generally considered to be an African country, but a small part of it is in Asia. No part of it is in Europe. South Africa is another country in Africa and it is a long way from Egypt. South Africa is in the south of the continent of Africa and Egypt is in the north of Africa.

Which hemispher is Europe and Africa located?

Europe are Africa share three hemispheres: the Northern, the Western, and the Eastern. The only additional hemisphere, the Southern, is a part of Africa, however, not Europe.

Which is not a part of Europe western Russia northern Africa or Iceland?

Northern Africa.

From what part of Europe are cheetahs?

Cheetahs are found in parts of Africa and Asia but not in Europe.

What three continents took part in the triangular trade?

Africa, Europe, and the Americas took part in the triangular trade. Africa supplied slaves to the Americas, the Americas provided raw materials to Europe, and Europe traded finished goods to Africa.

Is Kazakhstan in Africa?

No. Most of it is in Asia and part of it is in Europe.

What three continents are the middle east part of?

The Middle East is part of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It is primarily located in Asia, with parts of the region extending into Africa and Europe.

Is Africa part of Spain?

No, Africa is not part of Spain. Spain is a country in the continent Europe. Africa is a different continent.