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Abundant resources and an opportunity for land ownership.

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Hannah Medina

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4y ago
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Q: What of Americas characteristics led England to colonize there?
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Which of America's characteristics led England to colonize there? Study Island

Which of America's characteristics led England to colonize there?

abundant resources and an opportunity for land ownership

How did the town Boston massacre affect the separation of England and America?

It led to Americas independence.

Who led the first attempt to colonize the new world?

Christopher Columbus

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Unless the LED is a dual color LED, its reverse characteristics are similar to an ordinary diode.

What led the colonization of the americas?

I assume you're talking about colonization in the Americas. Christopher Columbus started it. But their were Vikings who went there too.

What motives led the English to colonize north America?

religious freedom and economic opprotunity

What were the 3 main countries that explored the new world?

The 3 main countries that explored the New World were Spain, Portugal, and England. These countries led the way in the age of exploration and colonized many parts of the Americas.

Who led the vikings to the northern tip of north America?

Leif Ericson led the Vikings to the Americas

What was the KEY religious differences between the European nations that Explored the Americas?

One key religious difference was that Spain and Portugal were predominantly Catholic, while England and the Netherlands were Protestant. This led to conflicts over religious beliefs and practices, and influenced their interactions with indigenous peoples in the Americas.

Who led the military expeditions in the Americas?

ma ma,mA

What key development led to rise in civilization in the Americas?
