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There are no regions within Mexico that are fully controlled by NGO's. There are however, organizations that covertly operate within Mexico's territory, including:

  • EZLN (Ejercito Zapatistsa de Liberacion Nacional) - it is a left-wing revolutionary political and militant group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico.
  • EPR (Ejercito Popular Revolucionario) - Also a leftist guerrilla movement which operates mainly in the southern state of Guerrero.
  • Several drug cartels, being the Zetas and Sinaloa Cartel the most powerful. These operate on most ports of entry and routes of distribution of illegal drugs into the United States.
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6y ago

There are no regions within Mexico that are fully controlled by NGO's. There are however, organizations that covertly operate within Mexico's territory, including:

  • EZLN (Ejercito Zapatistsa de Liberacion Nacional) - it is a left-wing revolutionary political and militant group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico.
  • EPR (Ejercito Popular Revolucionario) - Also a leftist guerrilla movement which operates mainly in the southern state of Guerrero.
  • Several drug cartels, being the Zetas and Sinaloa Cartel the most powerful. These operate on most ports of entry and routes of distribution of illegal drugs into the United States.
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6y ago

There are no regions within Mexico that are fully controlled by NGO's. There are however, organizations that covertly operate within Mexico's territory, including:

  • EZLN (Ejercito Zapatistsa de Liberacion Nacional) - it is a left-wing revolutionary political and militant group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico.
  • EPR (Ejercito Popular Revolucionario) - Also a leftist guerrilla movement which operates mainly in the southern state of Guerrero.
  • Several drug cartels, being the Zetas and Sinaloa Cartel the most powerful. These operate on most ports of entry and routes of distribution of illegal drugs into the United States.
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