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Q: What new values have developed in the United States since the 1970?
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What makes the US a developed nation?

Developed countries are countries with more developed technologies and economy. Since the United States fits this description, it is a developed country.

Who first developed configuration management?

Configuration management was first developed by the United States Air Force. It was originally developed as a denomination of technical hardware and is comparable by many to being a librarian to change or control management. It has been around since the 1950s.

What country do microwaves come from?

Microwaves were invented in the United States in the 1940s. They were first developed for cooking purposes and have since become a common household appliance around the world.

Why do they speak English in US?

English was brought to the United States by British colonists in the early 17th century and has since become the most widely spoken language in the country. As the United States developed and grew, English became the dominant language for commerce, government, and daily communication. Today, English is the official language of the United States.

Did people in World War 2 have electricity?

In the United States, the United Kingdom and Nearly all of Europe and the countries in the Pacific Theater had electricity. Nearly all of the well developed countries have had electrical power since the early twentieth century.

What year was Genetically modified foods discovered?

GMO foods were not discovered, they were developed by biotech companies. GMO soy and corn have been grown in the United States and sold commercially since 1996.

Whose the queen of the US?

Since the United States is not a monarchy, but a republic, the United States does not have a king or queen. We have an elected president.

What states have a democracy?

All 50 since they are part of the United States and not separate counties.

Which term doesn't belong south America united states north America?

The United States doesn't belong since it isn't a continent like the other two.

When did the United States start celebrating Hanukkah?

The United states has never celebrated Hanukkah. Only the Jewish people living in the United States celebrate Hanukkah. Jews have been living in the United States and celebrating Hanukkah since the 17th Century.

What currency is ING savings using?

American currency since most investors are placed in the United States. This currency is used in most cases since the United States currency is easiest to convert.

Is Guam a possession of the US?

Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States.