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Q: What natural resources can be found in the highlands of nigeria?
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Nigeria has numerous mineral resources, and most of which are of economic quantity, one of its mineral that's readily available for trade and with high market demand is petroleum (crude oil). The main minerals in Nigeria are; bauxite, coal, tin, iron ore, columbite, natural gas, limestone, gold, lead and zinc. Other minerals found in Nigeria includes gypsum, alluminium, lignite, salts, and asbestos.

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the natural resources of Egypt are corn, gold, and weat.

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Some Natural Resources that are found in mountains are coal, zinc, gold, and iron. Additional natural resources that can be found in mountains are gas, oil, and lead.

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Some natural resources that can be found in Uruguay are: arable land, hydropower, minor minerals, and fish.

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Timber, gold, silver, copper, oil, natural gas, sunlight, and wind are natural resources that are still found in America's southwest.

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Natural resources found in North Dakota include oil, coal and natural gas.

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