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Petroleum was found in Iran, especially in the province of Khuzestan.

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Q: What natural resource was first discovered in Iran in 1909?
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Polyisoprene was first discovered by Fritz Hofmann in 1909. He was researching synthetic rubber and found that polymerizing isoprene produced a material with similar properties to natural rubber.

What was discovered first, the South Pole or the North Pole?

According to the history books, it was the North Pole in 1909, with the South Pole following 2 years later. But, seeing the considerable doubt that has been uncovered about Peary's claim to the North Pole, there may have to be a revision.

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Sound of the Natural State was created in 1909.

What are the release dates for His First Girl - 1909?

His First Girl - 1909 was released on: USA: 27 April 1909

Who discovered the north pole of the earth?

Robert Peary in the year 1909

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Boron was discovered in 1808 their were many people that clammed they discovered it an they were Sir Humphry Davy, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques. It was first produced in 1909 by American chemist Ezekiel Weintraub.

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Houston Museum of Natural Science was created in 1909.

What are the release dates for Father's First Half-Holiday - 1909?

Father's First Half-Holiday - 1909 was released on: USA: 6 April 1909

What did Rober Edwin peary discover in 1909?

Robert Edwin Peary discovered the North Pole on April 6, 1909, after multiple attempts. He led an expedition to the Arctic region and is widely recognized as the first person to have reached the northernmost point on Earth.

Who first invented helicopters in 1909?

Nobody invented the helicopter in 1909

Who discovered primary waves?

Primary waves (P-waves) were discovered by the Croatian seismologist Andrija MohorovičiΔ‡ in 1909. P-waves are the fastest seismic waves that travel through the Earth's interior and are the first to be detected during an earthquake.

What month of 1909 did Lincoln first appear on the penny?

The first Lincoln cents were put into circulation in August, 1909.