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Antarctica presents its natural environment constantly -- no disaster required -- because it is the highest, coldest, darkest, windiest and driest continent on earth. It is the most extreme cold weather on the planet.

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Q: What natural disasters do people in Antarctica face?
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You can find slogans on natural disasters by searching online on websites that focus on disaster preparedness or awareness campaigns. There are also specific organizations and charities that may have slogans related to specific types of natural disasters. Additionally, you can create your own slogan by focusing on raising awareness, promoting preparedness, or encouraging resilience in the face of natural disasters.

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What way does Antarctica face?

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What problems do Indonesia face today?

›Economy problems. Corruption of money, or korupsi, there are also a lot of natural disasters in Indonesia like tsunami's and earth quake's.

What danger do people that go to antarctica face?

Well they'll face the freezing cold temperatures.....which is at -25 degree {c} throughout the year....!

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