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Romania is the Nation that enlarged by land taken from the Austria- Hungury Empire and Russia after World War I

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Q: What nation on the Black Sea was enlarged by land taken from Austria and Russia?
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When did Austria-Hungary declare war on Russia?

It was a consquence of the Black Hand gang murdering Arch Franz Ferdinand when he visited Sarajevo in Bosnia - the Austrians blamed in on the Serbs as Bosnia wanted to be inderpendant of Austria-Hungary and part of Serbia and declared war.

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Russia Moscow is currently the capital of Russia. Moscow is located on the Moskva River of the Central Federal District of European Russia. The country was formally known as the U.S.S.R.

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Did russia get the black death?

yes, black death was spread in whole Europe. Russia also got black death.

What World War 1 about?

World War 1 originally started because a rebel group in Serbia called the Black Hand assassinated Ferdinand the Arch Duke of Austria-Hungry. Austria- Hungry then said to Serbia do something to this or we are going to war. Serbia refused. Austria-Hungry had a secret alliance with Germany who secretly wanted the war, so they could gain more power. Serbia had an alliance with Russia who had an alliance with Britain and France. So when Serbia and Austria-Hungry went to war so did Germany, Russia, Britain, and France. Thus starting World War 1.

Why was there rivalry between russia and Austria-Hungary?

A Serbian terrorist group assassinated Austria-Hungary's Archduke Francis Ferdinad and his family. Bosnia(where Ferdinand was) was full of Serbs and other Slavs. They veiwed Austrians as foreign opressors. Gavrilo Princip shot the archduke. (he was part of the terrorist group the Black Hand)

Why did Russia attack Austria in World War 1?

Austria-Hungary declaired war on Russia for a few reasons that slowly added up to it. The Bosnian Crisis and the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand. The bosnian crisis was when Austria-Hungary invaded and took over Bosnia and because Bosnia was a country next door to Serbia, Serbia felt threatened because they thought that they were next to be invaded and with Austria-Hungary being a much more powerful counrty than Serbia, Serbia would be easily took over also Serbia wanted Bosnia for herself. Serbia appealed to Russia for help to get Austria-Hungary to give back Bosnia so they decided to hold a conference about the matter, Germany backed Austria-Hungary up so they never turned up at the conference. This matter brought Serbia and Russia closer together. When some members of the Black Hand (serbian) decided to assassonate the archduke Franz Ferdinand who was next in line for the Austia-Hungary throne Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for it even though Serbia had no idea of the Black Hand because it was a secret gang of revolutioners. Austria-Hungary gave several demands to Serbia and if they didnt accept, which they didnt, they would declare war, and so they did. So whe Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia backed up Serbia.

What country is the most popular black nation in the world?

Nigeria is most popular black nation in the world

Did the Black Hand ever plan on attacking Austria Hungary after they assassinated Franz Ferdinand?

No. They only wanted to promote 'freeing' the Serb population groups living in Austria-Hungary - such as the one living in and around Serajevo - and uniting them in a 'greater' Serbia. Originally the Black Hand had targeted the Governor of the region but when the terrorists found that Franz Ferdinand would come to visit Sarajevo, they selected him as a much more spectacular target. The Black Hand by the way was a 'secret organization' of which there were several in eastern Europe and Russia. Although the Serbian government was sympathetic to them, the Black Hand did not command any troops with which it could have invaded Austria, even if it had wanted.

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Ukraine is often considered the breadbasket of the region surrounding Russia due to its fertile black soil and extensive agricultural production of wheat and other grains.

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You can't, Jana is from Moscow Russia and is with black cat. It just won't work.

What terrorist group wanted Bosnia to be free of Austria-Hungary?

The black hand