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Q: What mountain range across Europe and Asia?
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What separates the mountains of Europe and Asia?

The mountain range that is located between Europe and Asia is the Urals.

Is the urals a major mountain range in Europe?

The Urals are a mountain range that acts as a boundary between Europe and Asia. It is the largest mountain range in Europe.

What mountain range sepparates Europe and Asia?

The Ural mountain range separates Europe from Asia. This range is difficult to cross and has been a natural barrier for centuries.

What is the name of the mountain range in between the continent of Asia and Europe?

The mountain range between the continents of Asia and Europe is called the Ural Mountains.

What mountain range forms on the line of Europe and Asia?

The Urals, which run roughly North to South across Russia

What two continents are divided by a major mountain range?

Asia and Europe are divided by the Ural Mountains.

Looking at a map of Europe and Asia What mountain range separates Europe from Asia?

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What mountain range sepreates europe from Asia?

Both the Urals and the Caucuses separate Europe and Asia.

What European mountain range is the tallest in the world?

The tallest mountain range in the world is not in Europe. It is the Himalaya, and that is in Asia. The highest range in Europe is the Alps.

What mountain range is Mount Elbrus?

The Western Caucasus mountain range, which divide Europe from Asia.

What mountain range is mount elbrus in?

The Western Caucasus mountain range, which divide Europe from Asia.

What mountain range separtes Russia from Transcaucasia?

No mountain range separates Europe from Russia. Part of Russia is in Europe. What you are thinking about is what separates Europe from Asia. That is mainly the mountain range known as the Urals, and also the mountain range known as the Caucasus mountains. Most of Russia is in Asia.