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ballls. thats real mature . jacka/ss

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Q: What most affects the dry climate of Chile?
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How climate affects a biome?

if the climate is hot and dry then the biome will be a desert, if the climate is hot and wet, the biome will be a rainforest, if the climate is dry and cool it would probably be a coniferous forets, if cold and wet, deciudous forest.

Is most of northern Chile dry mountainous terrain?


What is the climate of most of the west indies?

tropical and dry My moms dry to!

What is the climate name of the Atacama Desert?

The climate of the Atacama is cool and very dry in most areas. It would be classified as a cool, dry desert climate.

What is the climate in Chile like in January?

In January, Chile experiences summer with warm and sunny weather in the central and southern regions, while the northern regions can be hot and dry. The capital city, Santiago, typically has temperatures ranging from 60-85°F (15-30°C), with low humidity and minimal rainfall.

What part of south America has a mediterranean climate?

Central Chile, around the cities of Santiago and Valparaiso, has a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters.

What is the climate with a rainy season in the summer and a dry winter?

This climate pattern is characteristic of a tropical savanna climate. It features distinct wet and dry seasons, with most of the rainfall occurring in the summer months while the winter is typically dry. This type of climate is commonly found in regions near the equator.

The flat rocky tableland in southern Argentina having a cool dry climate?

The flat and rocky high land with cool dry weather condition is the Patagonia. Argentina and Chile shares on the plateau.

How does Majorca's climate affect their vegetation?

Majorca's climate affects their vegetation by allowing only specific plants to grow well in that area. For example, this area has very hot and dry summers which make the climate perfect for succulents and cacti.

What is the most common climate the in the US?

Dry inland and temperated inland.

Why the areas of Asia that have a monsoon climate have a dry winter season?

Most air bring heavy rain during the summer ;in the winter dry air flow causes dry conditions.

What is dry climate?

The climate which has very less density of moisture in air is dry climate.