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Gold and Silver.

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Q: What minerals did england hope to find in america?
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Puritans from England were among the first Europeans to settle in America What did the Puritans hope to have in the New World that they did not have in England?

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no new balance is a company made in england

You would find a soil poor plant decay products but rich in minerals in a?

The Taiga has soil poor plant decay products but rich in minerals. Hope this helps!=)

Where do you find a job for a 13 year old?

Babysitting, paper rounds...I can't think of any more really as I am only 13 myself and I live in England soo maybe the you live in America where it is slightly different. Hope I helped ;)

What did European explorers hope to find when they journeyed to South America?

When the European explorers journeyed to South America, they hoped to find riches including gold. They also hoped to find land and to create colonies.

Which british comedian died in 2003 aged 100?

Bob Hope who was born in England before moving to America when he was 5 years old.

Where did Rosalie come from?

Rosalie came from Rochester. I'm guessing it was Rochester in America, not England, but I'm not completely sure. Hope that kind of helped? :)

What coutries do people follow Buddhism?

Well, mainly China but it can be any counrty. America, England, Austrailer, Northpole, you name it. Hope I helped ;)

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They where on the mayflower to sail to America but for religious reasons. They didn't agree with the church of England so they sailed to America to make there own church and believe in God. Hope this helped

When did the English leave England to establish the first permanent English settlement?

1492. to find better trade routes to Asia. (Italy) 1630s to establish colonys for England (England) hope i helped dithie