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Between 1867 and 1869 Japan realized that unless it modernized itself, they might fall victim to the military might of the Western powers. They basically changed their country from a medieval feudal nation to a modern one. The steps taken are some of the following:

A. In government. The nobles removed the shogun from power and transferred full control to the Emperor;

B. Japan modeled itself much upon the way Bismarck in Germany had done. This meant an autocratic government dominated by military leaders;

C. Japan built a navy based on the model of Britain's navy;

D. Education. Japan instituted compulsory education and was turned into a highly literate nation;

E. Agriculture. The nobility surrendered their feudal privileges. This allowed peasant farmers to become landowners; and

F. Industry. Japan began a successful campaign to industrialize itself. They soon began producing textiles, steel & machinery.

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Utilize Western education, army, Imperialism, industry and those mixed systems to develop Japanese own model without Christianity support.

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