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A VB and a game of footy or cricket. ___ At the risk of being hugely politically incorrect, Australia, a remote and inhospitable land in the antipodes, was originally regarded as a large outdoor penal colony for the surplus prisoners in the British penal system. Apart from transported prisoners, many of whom were emancipated after their period of penal servitude, Australia was settled and developed largely by Anglo-Celtic people escaping the cultural and social oppression, and the poor living conditions of Britain. Once here, many people set out to do what they could never do in Britain and make a go of a new opportunity in a new land. Many failed, or died in the process, but many others succeeded. Many also continued the way of life that got them transported here in the first place. Australia's shaky beginnings has created a unique character who will "give it a go", "lend a hand" and maintain a sense of humour, laconic and dry, in the face of adversity, and cop the hard knocks on the fly. Australian's have travelled to the other side of the world to assist friends and allies in time of war and disaster when our own shores were threatened. Australian's would be amongst the most tolerant people in the world which is exemplified by our current policy of multi-culturalism, in spite of that tolerance not being a two way street. Australia is a land of extremes, having recently experienced bush fires, floods, earth quakes and extreme weather in different parts of the country at the same time. This is not true of all Australians, but it is true of many. We are not a bad mob, we Aussies and, if I had a choice of living anywhere else in the world, I would probably decline. The rest of the world is sometimes a nice place to visit, but I would not want to live there. From my point of view, the poem "My Country" by Dorothea MacKellar explains Australia pretty well. I might just go and have a VB and watch the footy on the telly now.

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15y ago
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11y ago

The fact that its an independent continent called Australia :P

The fact that its a mixed community of races and beliefs that all appreciate life enough to get along despite differences.

The fact that a sense of humor is a good thing to have.

And we say mate and other stuff that makes us sound cool and funny and original and you do too, but ours is better.

and cause its wicked

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8y ago

Figuratively, any action, belief or value that conforms with the Australian national identity, is Australian. A national identity is the way in which a nation defines itself as different to every other nation. For example, most Australians value hard work, fairness, sport and equality so 'being an Australian' would involve these factors. The stereotypical Australian (white, lower middle class male) is also a big part of what we perceive as being an 'Australian'.

Most people who consider themselves as 'Australian' would also consider themselves as honest, working people who enjoy their sport and their drink.

(Note: the Australian landscape has also had a profound effect on being an "Australian" and the way in which an individual relates to Australia effects their personal relationship to the nation)

Literally, being an Australian is having Australian citizenship either by birth or application.

It means to be born in Australia

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13y ago

If you were born in Australia or became an Australian member of soceity, but you have to live in Australia.

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10y ago

it shows that you belong there

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