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The Beach

The People

The Food

The Weather

The Night

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Q: What made rio di janeiro a tourist attraction?
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In what city is Sugar Loaf Mountain?

The sugarloaf mountain is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is a great tourist attraction

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Xtreme Tourist - 2010 Xtreme Tourist Rio De Janeiro 1-6 was released on: USA: 2010

What are some tourist attractions in brazil?

Rio de Janeiro

What are the most famous tourist sites of Brazil?

Rio de Janeiro

What is a famous tourist destination in Brazil?

Rio de Janeiro and its beaches (especially Ipanema).

How was the Rio de Janeiro harbor made?


Who found rio de janeiro?

The Portuguese founded Rio de Janeiro

What is the full name for Rio de Janeiro?

The full name for Rio de Janeiro is "Estado do Rio de Janeiro," which translates to the State of Rio de Janeiro in English.

How risky is Rio de Janeiro?

As in any large city, the poorer sections are more dangerous than the shopping and tourist districts.

What coast is rio janeiro on?

Rio de Janeiro is on the Atlantic Coast of Brazil.

What region of the US is Rio de Janeiro?

Rio de Janeiro is not in the United States. Rio de Janeiro is located in Brazil, South America.

When was Latinos born?

Latino was born on February 2, 1973, in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.