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Q: What level of government usually makes laws for the whole country?
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What level of government makes laws for the whole country?


What part of the government makes coins?

Coinage is usually handled by a branch of a country's finance ministry or treasury.

Who makes fiscal policy?

The government of a country.

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Who decides what drugs are licit an illicit?

The government of each country makes their own decisions on these matters. Usually it is down to a combination of the health and legal ministries.

Who makes laws laws?

The legal government of a country makes the laws of that country. In the United States, it would be Congress.

Which city is considered the capital city of country?

The main thing that makes a city the capital city of a country is that the government has its base there. The representatives of the people or whoever is running the country work there. Other elements of government are based there, like headquarters of departments or government organisations. A lot of other organisations and companies will have their bases there. Usually a capital city is the largest city in a country, though not always. If it is not the largest, it will be one of the largest.

Who makes laws for the country colombia?

by what the government says

What branch of the government makes sure the laws of your country are obeyed?

The Judicial Branch

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The salary of an audioengineer depends on the country and the experience level of the audio engineer. A beginner usually makes 0-100$ per day, more advanced makes something between 200-5000$ per day.

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a real good one and dogs make the decisions for this country

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-Oil-Trade-Exports/Imports-Standard of Living-Cultural Diffusion-Government (form of)-Immigration policy-Level of Education-Military Power-Rule of Law-Strength of usage of currency