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the growth of cotton plantations and the invention of the cotton gin.

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Q: What led up to slavery?
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What led up to the civil war?


How did slavery led to secession?

Slavery split up the country, and with the North's striving to abolish slavery, many southern states began seceeding, beginning with South Carolina.

This end of slavery led to what?

led to the booties

Who led the ancient Hebrews out of slavery?

The person who lead the hebrews out of slavery is Moses. He led them out of Egypt

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Which laws led to slavery in Virginia?

There were no laws that led to slavery in Virginia. Slavery was implemented in Virginia because settlers coming over from England, brought personal servants with them. This in turn led to the use of slave labor. The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery in the US.

Bacons rebellion led to the growth of what practice?

It led to Slavery

Who was an antislavery settler who led attacks on pro-slavery settlers in Kansas?

John Brown was an anti-slavery settler who led attacks on pro-slavery settlers to Kansas

How did Abraham help slavery?

I will assume we are talking about Abraham Lincoln.He certainly did not help slavery, he was very much against it. The war in which he led had certain overtones against slavery and shortly after his death slavery was abolished.If we are discussing the Abraham of the Bible, he led the Jewish slaves out of Egypt. He was also very much against slavery. So much so, he gave up his position as a leader in Egypt.

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What about the battle of Antietam is correct?

it led Lincoln to declare the end of slavery in the South

What problems led to the Civil War?

Slavery led to the Civil War.