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Q: What law do you break stealing the American flag?
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Can you burn American flag on American soil?

There is no law against it. The proper way to dispose of a worn out flag is to burn it.

Is it a law that if you drop an American flag you must burn it?

it is not the law but it is bad luck and u will have to burn it

Is it against the law to have an American flag up without a light?

It is not against the law, no. But if the flag is flying at night, it is considered poor form/disrespectful if it does not have a light trained on it.

What is the history of tassels on the American flag?

I believe the American Flag with tassels indicates a that a state is ruled by Marshall Law and that the head of the state's Judiciary Branch is the head Sheriff.

What is flag law?

A law about a flag

How do the greasers break the law?

The greasers in "The Outsiders" break the law by engaging in activities such as vandalism, stealing, running away, and fighting with the rival group, the Socs. They often find themselves in trouble with the police due to their involvement in these illegal activities.

What inscription is below the American flag in Washington d.c.?

equal justice under law

What is the law in stealing?

Stealing is theft. Theft is a crime. It is against the law. Depending on the amount of stolen and the means and methods by which it is stolen, it could be serious enough to spend time in jail.

How did prohibition encourage people to break the law?

It encouraged people to break the law because they wanted to show the government that it is America and that it is our American right to be able to drink. It encouraged people to break the law because they wanted to show the government that it is America and that it is our American right to be able to drink.

What does the white mean on the French flag?

White is used on the flag of the United States to signify purity. The purity of the American ideals of fairness, rule of law, and diligence.

Who qualifies to have an American flag draped over their casket?

Military, presidents, and former presidents for sure. The law does not forbid anyone from draping the flag over a coffin.

Is stealing right?

Almost everybody agrees that stealing is wrong. That is why it is against the law.