Well darling, the large body of water that's 300 miles northeast of Regina, Saskatchewan is Hudson Bay. It's a big ol' body of water up there, so make sure you bring your swimsuit and a towel if you plan on taking a dip. Just don't forget to pack some bug spray too, those pesky mosquitoes love that area more than a Kardashian loves a selfie.
The large body of water that is 300 miles northeast of Regina, Saskatchewan is the Arctic Ocean. Regina, Saskatchewan is located in the country of Canada.
1071 miles
The large body of water that is 300 miles northeast of Regina, Saskatchewan is the Arctic Ocean. Regina, Saskatchewan is located in the country of Canada.
543 miles.
The driving distance from Regina, Saskatchewan to Branson MO is 1,289 road miles - about 22 hours driving time.
548.66 miles as per mapquest.com
Regina, Saskatchewan's area is 56.2 square miles (146 square kilometers).
500 miles
473 miles
According to Google Maps:It is 149 miles from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada to Portal, North Dakota, US.It is 446 miles from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada to Herreid, South Dakota, US.
Lake Winnipeg
It is 1,582 miles according to Google Maps
The air distance from Regina, Saskatchewan, to Orlando, Florida, is 1,942 miles. That equals 3,125 kilometers or 1,688 nautical miles.