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Q: What languages are closely related to spanish?
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What is Spanish closely related to?

The closest living languages to Spanish are:PortugueseCatalánGalcianoOccitanLadino

What language is spanish closely related to?

Spanish is closely related to other Romance languages, such as Portuguese, Italian, and French. These languages all evolved from Latin and share similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.

What 3 languages are closely related to spanish?

Italian Portuguese French

What languages are most closely related to spanish?

The languages most closely related to Spanish are other Romance languages, such as Portuguese, Italian, and French. These languages share similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure due to their common Latin roots.

What languages are related to French?

French is a Romance language, so it is closely related to other Romance languages such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. These languages share common roots from Latin and have similarities in vocabulary and grammar.

What languages are most closely related to Latin?

The languages most closely related to Latin are the other members of the Italic branch within the Indo-European language family, such as Oscan, Umbrian, and Faliscan. Among modern languages, the Romance languages (e.g. Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese) are the most direct descendants of Latin.

Do Spain and Portugal speak a similar language?

They are related, they belong to the Latin language family.

What type of spanish does panama speak?

Panamian Spanish, which is closely related to Colombian Spanish and Caribbean Spanish.

What language is closely related to manchu?

The Manchu language is closely related to other Tungusic languages, such as Sibe, Xibe, and Evenki.

In Southern Europe Latin became what five different but closely related languages?

Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Italian, French. Romanian also comes from Latin.

Is Portuguese a Romance language?

Yes, Portuguese is a Romance language. It is derived from Latin and is closely related to other Romance languages such as Spanish, French, and Italian.

3 languages that are related to French?

Three languages related to French are Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. These languages all belong to the Romance language family, which evolved from Latin and share similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation with French.