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Lithuanian language

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Q: What language is similar to Latvian?
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Is latvian a ancient Indian language?

No, Lativan is not an ancient Indian language.

Are Latvians Germanic?

Latvians are Latvians but if we talk about the Latvian language, then yes. Latvian belongs to the family of Baltic languages which are Indo-Germanic.

What has the author Axel Holvoet written?

Axel Holvoet has written: 'Studies in the Latvian verb' -- subject(s): Aspect, Latvian language, Mood, Verb, Voice

What is a language that starts with L?

Latin. Latin, lithuanian, lao, latvian, luxembourgish.

Was latvian invented?

No, as any language it developed and belongs to the indo-europian langauge family.

How do you say 'English' in Latvian?

English language - anglju valoda English person - anglis

What has the author Trevor G Fennell written?

Trevor G. Fennell has written: 'A grammar of modern Latvian' -- subject(s): English, Grammar, Latvian language, Textbooks for foreign speakers

Where is Latvian spoken?

The official language of Latvia is Latvian. Due to migration to Latvia from Russia and other areas nominally part of the Soviet Union during the occupation and annexation of Latvia by the Soviet Union which ended in 1991, Russian is spoken by a large percentage of the population. English is increasingly popular.AnswerLatvian language, which is the official language. The second most common is Russian.The language of Latvia is Latvian.LatvianIt`s latvian.What language do Latvians speak?Latvian -- although more than a third of the country's citizens have Russian as their first language.The language most often spoken in Latvia is Latvian.Latvian16Latvian.latvian of coure sillyLatvian language and Russian.Latvian. Russian. Englishlettish

What are the main fundamentals of Latvian Constitution?

The fundamentals Latvian Constitution are: 1. Latvia is an independent and democratic country. 2. The sovereign power in Latvia belongs to it's people 4. Latvia is a parliamentary republic with 100 MP parliament (Saeima). 5. The official state Language is Latvian.

Is Spanish spoken in Latvia?

No. Latvia is a northern European country located on the Baltic and has its own language, Latvian.

What does kreilis mean?

"Kreilis" does not appear to have a standardized or widely recognized meaning in English or other languages. It could potentially be a term specific to a certain language, dialect, or specialized field.

What do you call a Latvian in Latvian?

A latvian person - latvietis(male) and latviete(female)