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Languages native to the countries where they lived and Hebrew. In Hungary they spoke Hungarian. In Bosnia, Bosnian. In Serbia, Serbian. In Croatia, Croatian. In East Germany, Deutsch and perhaps Yiddish. In Latvia, Latvian. Etcetera

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Q: What language did the Jews speak in Eastern Europe?
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The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe was created in 2008.

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Sherele is a Yiddish word. Yiddish is a language historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews, originating in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Yiddish is believed to have originated in Central Europe around the 9th century, blending elements of Hebrew, Aramaic, and the local languages of Jewish communities. It developed as a language for communication among Jews living in Eastern Europe and became the primary language for Ashkenazi Jews.

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He was born at German, but ethnically was Jewish. His parents were immigrants from Eastern Europe. He has German last name because most of the Jews in Eastern Europe spoke Yiddish which is close to the Germanic language.

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Yes, hostility towards Jews has declined in Eastern Europe over the past decades. However, Eastern Europe's views towards Jews are still somewhat hostile, although not to a violent point. This is all still despite that Eastern Europe has a fairly large Jewish population.

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Did the Jews speak German?

Jews in Germany and Austria, before WW2, spoke German. Most Jews in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe, and some in Western Europe as well, spoke Yiddish, a language derived from an older form of German, with many Hebrew and Slavic loan words. German is written in a variant of the Latin Alphabet. Yiddish is written in the Hebrew Alphabet. Many Jews living in other parts of the world, who had migrated from central and Eastern Europe, also spoke German or Yiddish as well as the languages of their new countries. On the other hand, Jews with long roots outside that region did not speak Yiddish. Jews in the Mediterranean world descended from the Spanish expulsion in 1492 often spoke, and still speak, an old form of Spanish written with Hebrew characters called Ladino. And Jews in the Arab lands had Arabic, sometimes written with Hebrew characters.

What language do Zionist Jews speak?

Most Jews are Zionist, and they speak the languages of the countries they are from.Note: Zionism just means supporting the idea of a Jewish homeland.

If some europeans refer themselves as Jews why do they speak a foreign language called Yiddish?

There are several false assumptions made with this question, making it unanswerable as worded:Yiddish is not a foreign language in Europe. It is a native European languageMost Jews do not speak YiddishMany people live in Europe and calle themselves European but are not descended from European ancestors, including ethnic Jews, basque people, black people, Asian people, Romani people, etc.