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All kinds -- sugary, sugary-enhanced, supersweet, enhanced supersweet, etc. At least in the corn-growing parts of the state. Top of Mt. Rushmore probably wouldn't work.

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Q: What kinds of sweet corn can grow in South Dakota?
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What crops are grown in South Dakota?

Crops grown in South Dakota include corn, wheat (durum, hard red winter, hard red spring), soybeans, sunflowers, oats, flax seed, alfalfa, hay, and sorghum. South Dakota's major crops are corn, hay, soybeans and wheat.

What is the importance of corn in South Dakota?

Corn for grain to feed livestock is the major cash crop in South Dakota.

What is a product from South Dakota?


What mostly covers South Dakota?


What are three products from South Dakota?

Wheat, Corn and Beans

What unique building is in Mitchell South Dakota?

The Corn Palace.

What is the major agricultural product in South Dakota?

As of 2009. corn is the major agricultural product in South Dakota with 28.2% of the South Dakota Cash Receipts. Cattle and calves are second with 22.5% of South Dakota Cash Receipts and soybeans are third.

Do crops grow in South Dakota?

Yes, there are many farmers in South Dakota as agriculture is a big part of South Dakota's economy.

What is the major crop for agriculture in South Dakota?

Corn is the major agricultural crop in South Dakota. Soy beans and wheat are 2nd and 3rd.

What well know building is in Mitchell South Dakota?

The Corn Palace.

Is sweet corn sweet?

Corn doesn't sweat. But sweet corn is sweet.

Does South Dakota have something famous?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is probably the most famous thing in South Dakota. There is also the World's Only Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota; Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota; Badlands National Park in southwestern South Dakota; Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills; and the Missouri River with four dams located in South Dakota.