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Q: What kind of winter will Saskatchewan have?
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What type of wheat results in a high yield in Saskatchewan?

Winter wheat is the only kind of wheat that result in a high yield in Saskatchewan, even in Alberta. Basically winter wheat the root rots potentially maintained throughout winter.

Is there snowstorms in Saskatchewan?

yes, during the winter there are many snowstorms.

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What is the average winter temperature in Bethune Saskatchewan?

The average winter temperature in Bethune, Saskatchewan (locate in beautiful Canada) is approximately 2.8 degrees Celsius. One can only imagine how cold that must be.

What kind of Jobs are in Saskatchewan prairie?

there are lots jobs search Prairie Branches Jobs in Saskatchewan - Job Bank

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When it is summer in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan what season is it in Toowoomba Australia?

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan),means it is Winter in the Southern Hemisphere (Toowoomba, Australia).

What are some Saskatchewan stereotypes?

Some stereotypes about Saskatchewan include the perception that it is flat and covered in prairies, that people are friendly and polite, and that the province is known for its agriculture and farming industry. Additionally, there is a stereotype that Saskatchewan experiences extreme cold weather in the winter.

Does it snow saskachewan?

Yes, Saskatchewan does experience snowfall during the winter months. The province typically receives varying amounts of snow accumulation, which can vary depending on the region and weather conditions. Snow is a common occurrence in Saskatchewan during the winter season.

What kind of provinces are Manitoba?

Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are prairie provinces.

What kind of people live in Saskatchewan?

african americans, french, chinease, japenease

What kind of things manufactured in Saskatchewan?

There are many items that are manufactured in Saskatchewan. Some of these items include farming equipment, scales that are used by the trucking industry, and automobile accessories.