Long houses and wigwams. They made them with bent saplings and covered them with whatever vegetation or animal skin that were near by. They usually had skin, cattail, or bark and leaves to cover them.
A sloth's tongue is long, sticky, and covered in tiny, backward-facing bristles called papillae. These adaptations help the sloth grip and pull leaves into its mouth, allowing it to efficiently consume its diet of leaves and vegetation.
The lowland ( taiga ) in the east comprises a plain with flat-topped hills covered by taiga vegetation with large open areas.
they used long wooden planks to build their houses
about 4 month from vegetation
It will survive almost instantly though how long it remains in this state is largely a question of phylum and the liquid the vegetation is submerged in.
about 4 month from vegetation
In the US and most or all of Europe it is perfectly legal so long as your genitalia is covered. Outside that area the laws may vary country to country.
Plants that can survive with little or even no water for a long time and rely mostly on sunlight for energy. Cacti store collected rain water inside their hollow bodies until they need it.
Its a kind of sword, its what people use in fencing, it has a sharp tip that is usually covered or blunted for safety purposes.
well it kind of matters what spider it is. Some have furry legs like a tarantula but some have skin covered legs like a daddy long legger