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A Tasmanian devil has bilateral symmetry, as usual for mammals.

One unusual feature of this animal is an asymmetric running gait. The fore limbs move normally, but the rear limbs don't. The fore and aft motion of the left rear-leg is very noticeably shorter than that of the right - the devil runs as if one leg is injured.

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Q: What kind of symmetry does a Tasmanian devil have?
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The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial mammal. Specifically, it is a carnivorous marsupial, meaning it is a dasyurid.

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The only animal dangerous to the Tasmanian devil is the fox. A recently introduced species in Tasmania, the fox is a danger to Tasmanian devil joeys, and it is also a competitor with adults for food.

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Tasmanian devil is the correct spelling.

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Tasmanian devils do not eat other live Tasmanian devils. They will, however, readily feed on the carcass of another Tasmanian devil that has died.

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No, the Tasmanian devil does not live in the desert.

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The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.

What class is the Tasmanian Devil from?

The Tasmanian devil belongs to the class Mammalia.

What is the status of the Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.

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How do you make a Tasmanian devil on alxemy?

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