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Farming is one of the jobs in Amsterdam and so is fishing so is prostutiton

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Q: What kind of jobs do they have in the Netherlands?
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What jobs do most people have in the Netherlands?

That depends, but all the jobs that exist in the US, exist in the Netherlands too..

Does Netherland have jobs?

I'm not quite sure what you are asking here but the Netherlands has a 3.6% unemployment rate meaning that there are indeed jobs in The Netherlands.

What types of jobs do they have in the Netherlands besides Prositution?

They have all the normal kind of jobs that any country has. There are bus drivers, farmers, accountants, doctors, teachers, hoteliers, computer programmers, bankers, pilots and so on.

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What jobs are there in the Netherlands?

There are many jobs in the Netherlands and they are probably the same as in England, the US etc. Like doctors, nurses, police officers, teachers etc.

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No, the Netherlands is kind off a rich country.

What type of jobs do people have in Netherlands?

Business, Farming, etc

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What type of jobs do people in the Netherlands have?

prostitution is common if you are over 18.

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The kind of jobs that Civilian Jobs offer are jobs such as volunteer community service, mandatory community service, and other types of jobs civilians can do for a living.