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North Korea and China are both COMMUNIST STATES but they are very different kinds of Communist States.

China --
Leninist Communism: China is a Leninist Communist State. Leninist Communism is the political theory that a single party called the Communist Party rules the government and governs all affairs as opposed to individual politicians. Although the single party in a Leninist Communist State is the Communist Party, the party need not practice Communist political theory. In China, there is a state-directed, right-wing economic and political theory.

North Korea -- Dynastic Communism: This is a unique category for North Korea which is a Communist State, but has succession in leadership passing along a dynastic line like a monarchy. Some consider Dynastic Communism to be part of the Absolute Monarchy category, because of the similarities, while others argue that since the leader of a Dynastic Communist State does not use royal titles that the state is not a proper monarchy.

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Despite popular belief, there has never been a Communist country. North Korea follows a style of Socialism called Juche. Since Deng came to power in China it has not been Socialist.

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Q: What kind of government do North Korea and China have?
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It depends on how the question is being asked. If it is asking whether or not Israel supports North Korea as it currently stands with a Communist government or agrees with North Korea's claim to the entire peninsula, the answer is No. The two countries do not recognize each other. Israel actually supports South Korea and its claim to the entire peninsula. Israeli politicians have called North Korea part of the Axis of Evil and have noted North Korea's assistance to Arab countries opposed to Israel's interests. If it is asking what Israel's perspective is on whether North Korea should be Communist or some other regime-type, Israel never issued any formal statement describing what kind of government North Korea should have or should not have. Israel has only ever asked that North Korea be less belligerent.