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The Aborigines of Australia never had a single body of government nor any system at all. Instead there were many tribes of Aborigines each owning their own separate territorys. The Aborigines were nomadic despite popular belief that they were one people with one 'civilization'. This means that they never really owned the land but rather tended to travel through their own territory collecting and trading with other tribes.

Hence, this is the reason why the Aborigines failed to mount any form of threat against the first settlers in 1788. For example, the Native Indians of North America despite losing the war were well armed with guns stolen from the European settlers. Not only that but they were well organized in mounting successful and significant attacks against them.

A similar thing happened in New Zealand, where conflicts broke out between the Maori natives and new settlers, which later came to be known as the New Zealand Land Wars. The Maori were also successful in some ways because of their organized resistance which led to the Treaty of Waitangi.

However, the most resistance the Aborigines launched against the settlers were crop damage to starve the newcomers. There were a few natives who managed to launch some type of warfare such as Bennelong but all failed to unite and meet this challenge.

So to answer your question, no the Aborigines never had any form of government nor civilization for that matter. The height of their technology was stone tools. And to those who say that we exterminated them are wrong, in fact disease killed the majority of Aborigines who had no natural immunity. This led to lands being mainly empty before they were even settled.

Do not get me wrong, I feel deep sympathy for those who died during the early years and for the injustices against the natives but a facts a fact, and that the Aborigines would still be where they are today without British colonisation.

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