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A pavlova is a type of cake. It has a meringue base (made with beaten egg whites, sugar and cornflour: crispy on the outside, light on the inside) and is topped with whipped cream and lots of fresh fruit (such as slices of kiwi, strawberry, passion-fruit).

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Q: What kind of food is pavlova and what is it made of?
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Why is pavalova a kiwi food?

Pavalova was first made in New Zealand. Keith Money, a biographer of Anna Pavlova, wrote that a hotel chef in Wellington, New Zealand, created the dish when Pavlova visited there in 1926 on her world tour

Who started the conflict about the pavlova?

the kiwis obviously made the pavlova and like many other things, Aussie stole it.

Is pavlova an Italian Tradional food?

Pavlova is a New Zealand invention, (claim by Australia) to celebrate the tour of Australia and new zealand by a famous Russian ballerina (Anna Pavlova) So so its not at all Italian :)

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What is the food Australia is famous for?

Vegemite, Pavlova, Anzac Biscuits and Lamb.

What type of food did Anna Pavlova eat?

Anna Pavlova ate only pavlova and for most of her life was addicted to sugar. Around the 1930's her balet career fell into ruin as she gained too much weight to perform.

What type of egg white in a pavlova is solution suspension or collid?

BEFORE it is cooked, the egg white made for a pavlova is BOTH a solution (sugar is dissolved in it) and a colloid.

What is some nice food from Australia?

Vegemite, Tim Tams, Lamingtons, Pavlova

How come the pavlova has kiwifruit on it if it was made by the Aussies?

Because you can put many different toppings on a pavlova and kiwi fruit is one of them. The pavlova itself is Australian but toppings can be from many different nationalities. Traditionally though it is topped with fresh fruit.

Why is hangi and pavlova the traditional dish for New Zealand?

I dunno about Hangi but Pavlova was invented by a lady called Anna Pavlova, and she was a Kiwi. However, today is is a bit of a debate about whether or not it is actually a traditional New Zealand dish, as it is commonly regarded as Australian food. Hope this helps (: